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Ep. 7 - Jason Hebert
Today on In the House we sit down with Jason Hebert of Jenkins Design Build in Bee Cave TX. We talk about Jason's time working as an architect in California and discuss some of the similarities between the Texas hill country and the golden state. We discuss some of our favorite, and least favorite, building materials and we talk about some of Jason's designs that are currently on the books. We hope you enjoy this episode. Thanks for listening!-Co-host: Mark Lakins-If you like this episode, please subscribe, share and give us a five star rating!Follow us on instagram for more content and updates.https://www.instagram.com/in.t....he.house.podcast/-Li from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):https://uppbeat.io/t/cruen/in-the-nowLicense code: FAWJTXIMJBZ9LFRL