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EP08: People Are #1 Priority - Dr. Tudor Francu
2 successful investing mindset you should followThe cost of financial securityImpacts of providing high-quality rental homes on your tenantsRecommended strategies before investing in single-family propertiesHow to find the right support community Resources/Links Mentioned In This EpisodeRich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki | Paperback and HardcoverWho Not How by Dan Sullivan | Kindle, Paperback and Hardcover About Dr. Tudor Francu, MDDr. Tudor Francu is a Maryland , Virginia and DC licensed Anesthesiologist, he’s a solo practitioner with extensive experience in outpatient surgery anesthesia. His past exposure to private practice groups for a few years, brought up the entrepreneurial side of him, building a strong, reliable solo practice that is growing constantly. Very confident with Ultrasound regional nerve blocks, experienced also with pediatric cases, Dr. Francu and his anesthesia practice is a highly sought after group. Aside from being an experienced physician anesthesiologist, he is also an entrepreneur who built 2 medical service companies with a focus on patient satisfaction. He now manages Stellar Multifamily Enterprise, helping investors identify the right opportunity to add to their real estate investments to provide great cash flow to beat inflation, capital appreciation, take advantage of depreciation and secure tax advantages for investors . Connect with Dr. TudorWebsite: www.stellarmultifamily.comLinkedIn: Dr. Tudor Francu, MD Connect With Impact Wealth BuildersIf you are ready to take massive action and build TRUE wealth, schedule a call with Saket Jain and learn more about partnering with us. Follow Our Social Media Pages!Facebook: Migrate 2 WealthLinkedIn: Saket JainInstagram: @Migrate2WealthTwitter: @Migrate2WealthYouTube: @Migrate2WealthTiktok: @migrate2wealth