EP24 – Make-A-Wish Southern Florida President & CEO Norm Wedderburn – The State of Make-A-Wish
It's been 1 Year of World of Wishes!In Episode 24 of World Of Wishes, we’re calling back to our first episode and sitting down with our chapter’s President & CEO, Norm Wedderburn. He discussed the state of our chapter - Make-A-Wish Southern Florida, running a non-profit in today's world, the opening of the Finker-Frenkel Wish House in Miami (coming soon!), and much more.Thank you for supporting this podcast by listening, rating, & reviewing!Find out how YOU can become a volunteer for Make-A-Wish Southern Florida at https://wish.org/sfla/volunteerTo make a donation to impact a child's life, click here!To learn more about us as a chapter, visit us at https://wish.org/sflaBe sure to follow us @makeawishsfla on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, and LinkedIn. Subscribe, Rate, & Review this podcast to support future episodes that will feature wish kids and parents' past and present, volunteers, donors, referral sources and everyone who contributes to this World of Wishes!