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EP261: Align with a Brand to Help your Business and Profile Grow – Christian Wiles (MATRIX UKI X HTCI)
Here’s something for you: Work with another brand that aligns to your business, profile and core values. But why does this matter? What does it mean? Put simply, having a strong loyal relationship with a brand will help your business and profile grow through support, education and aligned core values. So what examples do we have of a business and a profile successfully aligning with a brand? Thats what we are going to share with you today, In the last of our four part collaborative podcast series with MATRIX UKI, I have joining me on the show MATRIX & BIOLAGE Artist Ambassador and owner of Wiles Studios in Northampton, UK, Christian Wiles. Christian’s salon business and profile has long aligned itself with the MATRIX brand. Through this beautiful and successful partnership, Christian has gone on to become a dedicated member of the Matrix Artistic team for more than a decade and an influential role within the Matrix haircare brand. A perfect harmonious relationship for his business, profile and the MATRIX brand! So in this episode I have many questions I want to ask him. I want to learn on the opportunities working with MATRIX has given to him and his business? Creatively, I want to learn how he shoots collections. Entering industry awards? What hair work of his transfers best to social media? What are his go-to trusted hair products? And having studied Fashion Forecasting & Trend Predictions at Central Saint Martin’s, what’s his thoughts on the latest trends in hair colour and care? Listen in on this conversation to understand why need to align with a brand to help grow your business and profile. I also urge you to learn more on Christians reference to colour and the MATRIX formulations that will be best suited for quick free inspiration