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Ep71: Colossalcon North 2022
Join LVC on their adventures at Colossalcon North! Emcee shenanigans, contests, cheese, and WAH!<br/><br/>Crown Championships<br/>US Representative:Pro of ProsandCons Cosplay<br/>3rd place: Opiekun Studio 2nd Place: Jack of All Trades Vega (Latvia) <br/>1st Place: Amazonian Cosplay (UK)<br/><br/>Art to Play Before Christmas Cosplay<br/>#3 AUSTRALIA Kirilee Cosplay #2 CANADA Doll of Doll Damage Cosplay <br/>#1 FRANCE Saty Moo Cosplay <br/><br/>International Cosplay League<br/>Solo: cerkl.creations Duo: Royalrosecosplay libracos <br/>Cosplay World Masters Meow Meow Cosplay<br/><br/>The Contest Coordinator - starfall cosplay <br/>Our intermission helpers<br/>Lollipop-chan cosplay BB Design Cosplay Timeline Cosplay Thatsnicedeer<br/>Your Judges Laughing Rat Larire Cosplay Undead Toasty Aratia Tomb<br/><br/>The Winners<br/>Best Prop - Courtney Hertman <br/>Dream Team Mashup - Alex and James <br/>Shining Star - RubestyCos as Hatsune Miku<br/>If It Can Go Wrong - Angelbun Cosplays <br/>Stab It Till Its Dead Award - Saphira <br/>Golden Fridge - Detective.Cosplays<br/>Novice 3 - Saphira Cosplay Novice 2 Candy Cat Cosplay Best novice - Steam Powered Hippie <br/>Journeyman 3 - Vouey Journeyman 2 - C3 Cosplay and Awkward Lizzie Cosplay Best Journeyman - Sakurasunset Cosplay<br/>Masters 3 - Magi Cosplay Masters 2 - BB Design Cosplay Best masters - Lollipop chan Cosplay <br/>Performance 3 - Candy Cat Cosplay Performance 2 - Otaqueens Best Performance - Dimitri Darling <br/>Best In Show - firacosplay ecnoftw cosplayhttps://www.instagram.com/podcastscs/<br/>https://www.instagram.com/laviecosplay/<br/>https://www.tiktok.com/@laviecosplay<br/>https://linktr.ee/podcastscs for additional listening platforms<br/><br/><br/>