Episode 171 – Ron Butler – Housing Market Crisis – Is it Hopeless?
“We know there’s sensible options; just try something. We go years studying things. We go years having commissions. We go years having more studies after the studies. We change our minds about what to do. Just build it! Just do something, take action.” – Ron Butler Connect with Ron Butler Twitter Linked In Angry Mortgage Podcast Sponsored Links: Entrepreneurs Edge SHIFT Program Selected links and people mentioned from this episode: Butler Mortgage Curse of Politics: The Herle Burly Political Panel Podcast with David Herle Ray Dalio Steve Saretsky Connect with REIN Canada REIN Canada CEO@reincanada.com REIN Channel Facebook Instagram Twitter [0:42] Patrick introduces his next TEDM guest, Ron Butler. [02:20] Ron and Patrick open up their conversation with Ron sharing what his life is looking like these days semi-retired from day-to-day operations and what his intention is in the mortgage brokerage space through their business. [6:24] Ron offers his perspective of the current Canadian real estate market, nonsensical housing prices (aka “bat shit crazy” housing prices), unsustainably low mortgage rates now aggressively on the rise in record breaking time. [12:57] With little likelihood of housing prices coming down soon, and prolific government mismanagement, when Ron observes the key factors at play right now, there is good reason for why things are where they are. [18:14] So when variable rates went from 1.5% to 5.7%, why did the payments not change, and why would that take someone with such a long history in the mortgage brokerage business by surprise? [21:07] Ron weigh