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In this episode we dive into the tantalizing world of erotica for women, where imagination runs wild and passions ignite! From ancient myths that whispered of desire to modern tales that ignite our imagination, we are here to talk about why this genre has become a powerful force in empowering women's fantasies and celebrating their desires. So, prepare to be enchanted as we indulge in the sensual delights of erotica curated for a female audience!<br/><br/>*<br/><br/>Curious about how to liberate your inner witch and experience more pleasure, turn on and a deeper connection to life? Check out these selected links from the podcast!<br/><br/>Radical Sex Witch Merch https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/theradicalsexwitches<br/><br/>Sex Love & Relationship Coaching with Carla<br/><br/>Sex, Love & Relationship Coaching for Women and Couples<br/>Body of the Goddess Group Program<br/><br/>**Book Your Free 45 minute Discovery Call with Carla<br/><br/>Tarot Readings with Little Leah<br/><br/>Do they love me? Will I get that promotion? What should I do next? Get answers by booking a Tarot reading with Little Leah! Get info & availability by emailing Leah at deathmothtarot@gmail.com.<br/><br/><br/>Have a question or comment about this episode or anything else - let us know by connecting with us on Social:<br/><br/>The Radical Sex Witches on Instagram @theradicalsexwitches<br/>Connect with Carla and Little Leah on Instagram: @carlawainwright @little_leah78<br/>Connect with Carla on Facebook<br/>Email us! radicalsexwitches@gmail.comReady to turn up the heat and enjoy some Hot Summer Nights with your sweetheart? Carla is co-hosting 4 online date night events in July and August: Building Positive Vibes, Talking about Sex, Creating Epic Date Nights and Listening with Love. Only $33 (plus tx & fees), one hour long and replays available!
Click HERE for all the details and registration.