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ERRR #081. Bill Louden on Reforming Initial Teacher Education
Ollie Lovell · ERRR081. Bill Louden on Reforming Teacher Education This episode we’re speaking with Bill Louden. Bill has led many government reviews and inquiries and served on many national review panels. He was a member of the panel that produced the landmark National Inquiry into the Teaching of Literacy. More recently he has led reviews of sex and gender education for the Australian and NSW governments, functional reviews of education authorities in Western Australia and New South Wales, an investigation of high performing primary schools for the Western Australian Government and two national reviews of the NAPLAN assessment program. He was a member of the expert panel that produced the Australian Government's 2022 review of the quality of initial teacher education and is a member of the Australian Government's Teacher Education Expert Panel, which is the topic of today’s podcast discussion. This episode, Bill and I discuss this recent review of initial teacher education and dive deep into the context of the current review and what it follows on from, key recommendations from the review, comparisons with initial teacher education in other countries and challenges of generating change at a national level. I found it extremely interesting diving into these important questions that will have wide reaching implications for education in Australia and it was a real privilege to be able to speak to someone as experienced in this space as Bill is. To get a summary of this episode, sign up at www.patreon.com/errr The ERRR podcast can also be listened to on Spotify, apple podcasts, and all other podcasting apps. Links/resources mentioned in the show The Strong Beginnings Final Report link to at the top of my commentary Ollie's Books, Cognitive Load Theory in Action and Tools for Teachers To get a summary of this episode, sign up at www.patreon.com/errr