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Etched In Steele
Laura thinks a best-selling sexy-book author killed her own husband, until she discovers it was the woman’s insipid spouse who wrote the books. <br/><br/>Discussion of the Remington Steele episode 'Etched in Steele'. Hosted by Eric Alton-Glenn Hilliard and Sara McNeil.<br/><br/>Send your comments to SteeleWatching@Yahoo.com<br/><br/>WebsitesOfficial Steele Watching PodCast websiteSteele Watching PodCast on TwitterSteele Watching PodCast on FacebookSteele Watching PodCast on InstagramSteele Watchers Group on FacebookHelp support this showPurchase movies/television shows/books mentioned in this episode from Amazon.The Shining (Amazon Canada / Amazon USA)A Tale of Two Cities (Amazon Canada / Amazon USA)Make a donation.Make a donation via "Buy Me A Coffee" Make a donation via PayPalBuzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched!
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