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Expensive Shit Thats Worth Every Penny | Ep. 243
Last week, I sent out a tweet that caught fire in a way I never expected. <br/><br/>The tweet sparked two distinct reactions. <br/><br/>The majority embraced the message, seeing the value it offered. <br/><br/>However, there was also a group who couldn't quite grasp the essence of my words. <br/><br/>It's on me as maybe I could have expressed it better. <br/><br/>The tweet in question is...”Expensive shit that's worth every single penny." <br/><br/>Now, let me clarify. The items I listed intentionally carry hefty price tags. <br/><br/>They're not for everyone at every stage of life. It's taken me time as well to afford some of these luxuries. <br/><br/>But, let me tell you, this list is for those who value their time above all else. <br/><br/>They aren't essentials…but they're tools that can help you level up your lifestyle, making room for more meaningful experiences and freeing your mind from mundane tasks.<br/>LEAVE A REVIEW if you liked this episode!! Let’s Connect On Social Media! youtube.com/anthonyvicino twitter.com/anthonyvicino instagram.com/theanthonyvicino https://anthonyvicino.com Join an exclusive community of peak performers at Beyond the Apex University learning how to build a business, invest in real estate, and develop hyperfocus. www.beyondtheapex.com Learn More About Investing With Anthony Invictus Capital: www.invictusmultifamily.com Multifamily Investing Made Simple Podcast Passive Investing Made Simple Book: www.thepassiveinvestingbook.com