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Finding Purpose And Community in A New Place For Your Family With Guest Sam Sprunger
Sam's BioI am 43 years old, and live in NW Ohio. My wife, our 4 sons, and two basset hounds moved almost 2 years ago from NE Indiana, where I had lived my entire life. We are huge Chicago Cubs fans, and yes, the best day of our lives was November 2, 2016! : ) I have taught, online, for 4 years, and also have hosted a podcast for almost just as long! The 500 Section Lounge is the product of my wife telling me that I needed to socialize, after I started my online teaching. I decided that I loved to talk, so a podcast made a perfect fit, in my mind! So, October 3, 2019, I started my podcast career. It worked out well, because that next March, we all knew the world came to a screeching halt. One thing that didn't stop was people were still willing, and had SO MUCH TIME, to do interviews! I am the type of person who will talk to absolutely anyone, anywhere, anytime! I love conversing and finding out more about people! There are plenty of times that I will talk, upwards of 5 minutes, to the worker in the check-out line! If we have something to do, my wife will tell me that I can go get the car, so I don't make us late! I just became a grandparent on October 12, 2022! I go by Pops! I didn't want to be grandpa... Pops was fitting for me! I love being Pops! My wife and I love going to our boys' events. It's our "relaxation" time! We love seeing our boys performing. Stay Connected:Sam’s FishSam’s Podcast: The 500 Section Lounge PodcastSam’s Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/sam.sprunger.5Sam’s Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/SamSprunger1Rachel ScottWebsite| https://rachelgscott.com/Website| http://the5leaps.com/Instagram| https://www.instagram.com/iamr....achelgscott/Facebook https://www.facebook.com/iamrachelgscottSponsored Resources Mentioned:5 Week Leap Mentoring: Sign Up HereRGS Group: Learn More HereThe 5 Leaps Quick Guide: Grab it Here