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Frank Masi (Stills Photographer)
Frank Masi is a stills photographer for major motion pictures such as The Rock, Armageddon, and Jungle Cruise, whose recent passion for riding has evolved into a dream garage, which includes a Steve McQueen Edition Scrambler 1200. The interview discusses Frank's collection of motorcycles and motorcycle memorabilia and takes a deep dive into the world of still photography on film sets. Frank also talks about his annual participation in the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride and his time shooting on the set of the upcoming film about American Road Racing. Episode Links:Personal Instagram: @FrankiStillsProfessional Instagram: @MasiStillsDGR Fundraising Profile: GentlemansRide.com Triumph News: New Street Triple 765 FamilyFree MSF eCourse: TriumphRider.comEvents Schedule: TriumphOnTour.comFor The Ride theme song by Sam PaceFor The Ride podcast produced by Hisonni Johnson