Generative AI - What is the cost for the information industry?

0 Views· 06/13/23
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Generative AI has garnered significant attention recently due to its unique ability to create novel content designed to mimic humans.ChatGPT is a form of generative AI currently gaining popularity. It is designed to generate human-like text in a chatbot context. This AI-powered chat tool is an example of how generative AI can automate content creation, in this case, by generating responses to user input in a chatbot.It has the potential to revolutionise many industries by automating the creation of content, analysing large amounts of data and overall improving efficiency, which frees up workers' time. However, generative AI’s potential impact on the work landscape of the information industry has led to scepticism. There are concerns about job displacement and a loss of human perspective and voice.Another drawback of generative AI is that it reflects society's biases on issues such as gender and race. It can generate fake news, such as ‘deepfakes’: images or videos created by AI that appear realistic but are false and misleading.Currently, the EU’s approach to artificial intelligence centres on excellence and trust, aiming to boost research and industrial capacity while ensuring safety and fundamental rights.In December 2022, the Council adopted its common position on the Artificial Intelligence Act which aims to ensure that AI systems placed on the EU market and used in the Union are safe and respect existing laws on fundamental rights and Union values.Rewatch this EURACTIV Hybrid Conference, part of the Horizon Europe project AI4TRUST, to find out about the benefits and risks of generative AI. Discussed questions included:- Is there a place for generative AI in our society?
- What repercussions does generative AI have for the information industry? How does it impact journalism and content creation?
- What safeguards can be put in place to regulate generative AI?
- Does the European Commission’s AI Act adequately protect us from the drawbacks of generative AI?This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme under Grant Agreement no 101070190.Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.>> Click here for more information about the event.>> Click here to check out our upcoming events.

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