Genesis 6

0 Views· 06/06/23
Path to Redemption Podcast
In Manga

As it was in the days of Noah. We wrap up talking about the iniquity and what was happening during the time of Noah that mirrors what is happening now. <br/><br/>Main Scripture:<br/>Genesis 6:1-7<br/><br/>Additional Scripture:<br/>Jude 1:5-6<br/>Job 1:6-7<br/>Genesis 3:14-15<br/><br/>Additional Resource:<br/>Jasher 2:3-9<br/>Jasher 2:15-24<br/>Jasher 4:3-8<br/>Jasher 4:16-21<br/>Enoch 6,7 and 8<br/>Jasher 5:6-14<br/>Jasher 5:1-5<br/>Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 56a-b and Tosefta Avodah Zarah 9:4<br/><br/>

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