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Geologist - Andrea Mclure
This episode features 27-year-old Exploration Geologist – Andrea Mclure, who recently found her true passion within the vast world of geology. When Andrea graduated from university, instead of looking for jobs close-by in her area, she decided to do the exact opposite, and go abroad all the way to New York where she got a variety of work experiences, and learnt a lot about her career and herself as a person.Top questions for Geologist:1:36 – What is a Geologist and how would define this role?2:38 – Did you ever imagine being where you are today?4:19 – Did you consider any other career paths apart from geology?6:50 – Was it difficult for you to find a job?9:43 – What are employers looking for in graduates?10:46 – What surprised you working in Industry?12:14 – Do you have good work-life balance?13:42 – Does your job pay well?14:56 – Do you get to travel much?15:44 – What are the most important skills needed for the job? And how can you start developing them?17:22 – Is there anything you would differently if you had a chance to go back to High School or University?