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Geologist - Joshua Bell
This episode features 27-year-old Exploration Geologist – Joshua Bell, who has been working in the mining industry for the last 6 years on a fly in fly out roster. Josh has seen some of the most beautiful and isolated places in the Australian outback, while searching for the next big mineral discovery. Top questions asked by students for Architect:00:00 – Intro02:08 –Have you always been passionate about Geology?03:24 – If you had to go back to university, would you do anything differently?05:40 – What options for study did you consider?6:12 – Does where you studied for university make a difference in getting a job?07:42 – Was it hard to find a job?10:52 – Do you have any tips/advice for the application process?15:43 – Do you have a good work-life balance?17:14 – Do you yourself doing FIFA for a long time?18:55 – Does your job pay well?23:06 – Do you get to travel much?25:12 – What are the most important skills for the job?27:22 – What is your advice to students who may be interested to pursue this career?