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Getting in Good Relationship Shape with Roy Biancalana
Roy Biancalana and His Relationship Bootcamp
As if the divorce wasn’t hard enough, now it’s time to get back out into the dating world. But how do you know if you’re in good relationship shape? Luckily, Roy Biancalana from The Atracting Lasting Love Podcast dropped by to talk about learning how to figure out where you are mentally and getting back on track so you’re ready to date again. Roy has seven areas he talks about strengthening: Reality, your mind, feelings, the past, your truth, your energy, and love itself. He talks about the idea of finding someone who doesn’t necessarily complete you but with whom together you can share in your completeness, and he talks about the importance of dating yourself before messing up those dates with others.
It’s a powerful conversation about being open, honest, and vulnerable. Jump on in!
Links & Notes
Coaching With Roy
Roy on Facebook
The Attracting Lasting Love Podcast
Relationship Bootcamp: Hard-Core Training for Life, Love & the Pursuit of Happiness
Schedule a consult with Seth
Got a question you want to ask on the show? Click here!
00:00 - Sponsor: Soberlink
03:10 - Welcome to How to Split a Toaster
03:36 - Meet Roy Biancalana
04:27 - The New Playing Field
05:29 - Roy's Background
08:54 - Readiness for Change
12:05 - Learning to Open up Again
18:13 - Parts You Show, Parts You Hide
19:43 - Hiding Pain
20:37 - Relationship With the Past
29:00 - Law of Attraction
34:12 - Learning in the Breaks
38:53 - Coaching With Roy