God's People Should Be Affected With God's Judgments On Their Nation

0 Views· 09/21/23
The Narrated Puritan
The Narrated Puritan
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In Manga

Oh that all would lay to heart the national miseries that God's indignation threatens upon us. It is said, Psal. 107-34. -A fruitful-land is turned into barrenness for the wickedness of them that dwell-therein.- It was long since told England by one of its faithful-watchmen, 'The nation and church in which we are, are the-common ship in which we are all embarked, and if this in judgment-be cast away, whether dashed against the rocks of any foreign power,-or swallowed up in the quicksands of domestic divisions, it must-need hazard all the passengers- Or if you were sure, that for your-parts you might be safe, would it not be a bitter thing to stand upon-the shore, and see such a glorious vessel as this nation is, to be cast-away-- To see this glorious land defaced, the blessed gospel polluted,-the golden candlestick removed, it cannot but affect men that have-any bowels of compassion.

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