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GP at Peach Jam, Grizz make picks trade w/Suns, GG Jackson's big night, Britney vs Wemby (7/7/23)
GP opens from Augusta at the site of this year's Peach Jam event....we discuss the Grizzlies making moves last night in a picks swap trade with the Phoenix Suns and what it means for the Grizzlies 2024 Draft + Grizz 2nd Round pick GG Jackson has a big performance at Utah Summer League <br /><br />(20:35) Update from Peach Jam on some of the top recruits in the country, Dame Lillard says it's Miami or bust in a potential deal, Britney Spears/Victor Wembanyama story has captivated the country, plus 2 really nice stories about people uplifting others that GP wanted to share <br /><br />(1:14:00) GP's Carry Out with what we're watching and reading including a new post ppv Smackdown, MLB matchup between 2 top teams and more