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Green-House live on PELLYVISION 05.11.23
PELLYVISION is a monthly cohesion of sound and vision. Alex Pelly synthesizes live video to accompany sounds from an artist of her choosing. Green-House is the project of Los Angeles based artist Olive Ardizoni. Approaching the project with an intentional naivety, they craft songs that find freedom through simplicity. As a non-binary artist, they hope to create a space with fewer barriers as both a performer and a listener. Alex Pelly is a Canadian video artist based in LA whose work incorporates multiple generations of video technology, both analog and digital. In recent years her process has been centered on modular video synthesis. Frequently collaborative with musical accompaniment, her visuals serve as a reflection of and muse to the music simultaneously. She provides live visuals and installation work for various shows, music nights and art happenings around Los Angeles.