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Home Builders Network with Al Trellis
Al has 40 years experience as a custom builder, engineer, consultant, columnist, and speaker. He is known for his creativity and insights into improving profits and productivity. He has written numerous books and over 200 articles about life and various aspects of homebuilding.Listen in as Al discusses how he consults with clients from a variety of specialties in the construction industry, from design-build to portfolio build to production build. He talks about what he deems the 15 elements to optimize in business, beyond the well-known 3Ps of pricing, product, and planning.Al also does a deep dive into the principles of leadership and how your conduct as the leader of your company can make or break your business. To Al, true leadership is all about knowing when to turn your back to the crowd, when to be strong and when to be patient, and who to accept the way they are and who needs to change.He stresses the importance of getting all of your employees on the same page with regards to the organization’s core values. He explains why it is vital to be able to adapt your business to the times to always strive for continuous improvement. Finally, Al offers his best advice on encouraging teamwork and bringing out the best in your employees.Sponsors:Sub-Zero, Wolf and Cove: Schedule an appointment at subzero-wolf.com/Scottsdale or 480.921.0900 Visit https://buildertrend.com/aft/ to get a 60-day money-back guarantee on your Buildertrend account!Pella Windows & Doors - https://www.pella.com/Topics Discussed: The importance of company cultureConsulting different types of construction businessesSetting expectations with consulting clientsHow homebuilders can learn from other fields (ex. architecture, interior design, etc.)How to become a better leaderUnderstanding and taking your biases into accountModeling leadership by exampleEncouraging teamworkBringing out the best in your employeesGetting everyone on page with the company’s core valuesHow Allan provides long-term value to his consulting clientsConnect with Guest:Website - http://www.hbnnet.com/Connect with Brad Leavitt:Website - https://www.aftconstructionpodcast.com/Instagram - https://instagram.com/aft_constructionFacebook - https://www.facebook.com/aftconstructionHouzz - https://www.houzz.com/pro/aft-....construction/aft-con - https://www.pinterest.ph/AFT_CONSTRUCTION/YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCzB4R_DHPVV1SPh7R Quotes by Allan:Culture matters, and the way you get to a great culture is heavily related to leadership skills. Companies with great cultures typically have great leaders. It’s really that simple.What makes or breaks us as a company are the things we don’t do well enough to be over the threshold.The difference between “good” and “excellent” is not what makes you succeed. The difference between “good” and “not good” is what makes you succeed.The only thing that counts when we are in sales is the number of first meetings.Great leaders are always aware of their own biases and account for them.If y