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Homeland Security Risks from Foreign Investment, Influence
The Homeland Security Experts Group is gearing up for their upcoming Homeland Security Enterprise Forum, a two-day event designed to bring together leaders around the critical topics affecting our nation. ClearanceJobs sat down with William Evanina, former director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center and a HSEG expert, and Rob Walker, executive director of HSEG to discuss the upcoming forum and the topic of foreign investment. In the first part of the segment both Evanina and Walker offered reflections on 9/11, a date that brings up distinct memories for both and reminders of why the work of protecting the homeland is so important. It is a date neither will forget, and became a tipping point and North Star in their national security careers.Evanina has been a frequent speaker on the topic of foreign investment and influence and the ongoing efforts of the Chinese Communist Party against the U.S. government and private industry. Evanina has testified that the U.S. is under an ongoing terrorist threat, with significant economic and national security implications. Evanina and Walker each discuss the gravity of threats and the importance of awareness and collaboration across sectors of government.
Those topics and more will be the focus of the upcoming Homeland Security Enterprise Forum, taking place at the Omni Shoreham hotel October 9 and 10.