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Hosted by Dr. Scott Sigman – “Dr. Jason Scopp”
This episode is brought to you by Koha Health. At Koha Health, their goal is empowering your practice to achieve total financial health. Dr. Jason Scopp is a sports medicine, orthopedic surgeon at Peninsula Orthopaedic Associates in Salisbury, MD. A lifelong athlete himself, Dr. Scopp has been team physician for the United States Soccer Team, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Salisbury University, and the Delmarva Shorebirds (a Baltimore Orioles organization), among others. He’s a pioneer in the field of cartilage restoration, a procedure for joint pain available in only a handful of medical centers across the country. In addition to his biotechnology research on joint preservation, Dr. Scopp specializes in the treatment and prevention of sports-related injuries. He is an internationally featured speaker on the topics of joint preservation, cartilage defects and restorative treatment options. Topics include: -He has kindergarten drawings showing him wanting to be a doctor when he grew up. He wins on the show for the youngest age knowing when he’s wanted to be a doctor! -Born and raised in Malibu and Santa Monica, he went to the east coast for schooling. He wanted to experience seasons outside of California to check out what it was like outside of 72 degrees and sunny. Dr. Scopp received his medical degree from the Hahnemann University School of Medicine in Philadelphia. His residency in orthopaedic surgery was completed at University of Maryland Medical Systems, and he completed his fellowship in sports medicine, arthroscopy, and articular cartilage restoration back on the west coast at the Santa Monica Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Group in California. He is now on the opposite coast living near Ocean City, MD. -Dr. Scopp offers sage advice for those in a private practice and being able to build a reputation as being a thought-leader in orthopedics. Find out more about Dr. Jason Scopp here.