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How Adelitas Way Proves Tastemakers Tried To Kill Rock Music for 15 Years But The Fans Kept It Alive
How many times have we heard taste makers in culture say that "ROCK IS DEAD" over the past 15 years? Yet still here we are.In those 15 years, it was the bands that going to keep the genre alive, and it was the fans that were the catalyst to not letting it die. And now those bands are speaking out about it.
Rick from Adelitas Way is our guest on the Chord Progression Podcast for an absolute ripper of an episode. In this episode, you will discover:
The reason why rockstars from the past we focused on partying and going crazy, while today many are focused on health and longevity.How tastemakers and gatekeepers in the music scene tried to kill rock music for over 10 years, and how bands like Adelitas Way refused to let that happen, and how bands are now breaking through without help of tastemakers, and with support of the fans.Why seeing Adelitas Way on tour in 2023 is a must.<br/>
An absolute ripper of an episode lives here for you. If you want more of these, hit that subscribe button and don't miss out.
Find Adelitas Way Online:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/adelitaswayTwitter: https://twitter.com/adelitaswayInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/adelitasway/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@adelitaswayWebsite: https://www.adelitaswaymusic.comMerch: https://merch.adelitaswaymusic.comSpotify: https://open.spotify.com/artis....t/1ZjAT2nTrzDIXFfsQ2 Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/adelitas-way/314795012
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Chord Progression Podcast (Spotify):https://open.spotify.com/show/53XWPGrIUvgavKF5Fm6SLk
Chord Progression Podcast (Apple Podcast):https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/chord-progression-podcast-the-gateway-to-new-rock-and-metal-music/id1454876657
Chord Progression Podcast (Amazon): https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/b8dad803-444c-4a73-8aa5-67b4fc43f4ba
Chord Progression Podcast (iHeart Radio):https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-chord-progression-70632531/
Podcast Webpage:https://mysongoftheday.com/my-song-of-the-day-rock-2000-today/chord-progression-podcast/
Intro: (0:00)Welcome Rick of Adelitas Way: (2:40)Adelitas Way Supporting Upcoming Acts on Tours: (5:32)Staying Healthy to Put On the Best Performance: (7:51)Why Are Rock Bands Focusing on Health Over Wild Parties Now?: (11:17)Taste Makers Tried to Kill Rock, Bands & Fans Wouldn't Let It Happen: (18:25)Exciting Time to be with Adelitas Way: (31:52)Kevin's Final Thought; Rick is Right, Fans are the Tastemakers, Remember That: (37:15)Like, Subscribe, Closing It Out: (41:16)