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How to Create a Killer Portfolio so that Principals Will Beg You To Work for Them – IC041
Are you a final year dental student or a recent graduate looking to kickstart your career as an associate dentist? In our latest episode we sat down with Dr. James Murray, a passionate foundation dentist who shares his recent insights and experiences on how to land a job as an associate dentist. Dr. Murray understands the challenges that come with transitioning from dental school to real world practice. He discusses the importance of building a strong portfolio and reflecting on your work to overcome imposter syndrome – embrace the learning process, seek feedback, and use every situation as an opportunity for growth. But what’s the best way to showcase your skills and make a lasting impression on potential employers? Dr. Murray reveals his secret weapon: an online portfolio accompanied by a thoughtful cover email. In this episode we also delve into tips for approaching dental practices that align with your values and interests. Struggle with taking clinical photos? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Dr. Murray and Jaz provide helpful advice for improving your photography skills. So, if you’re ready to take the next step towards a fulfilling career, tune in to our podcast and unlock the secrets to securing your dream job! Access premium clinical videos by Jaz and gain CPD for Podcast episodes via the Protrusive.app Highlights of the episode: 00:00 Introduction<br />03:14 Dr. James Murray<br />04:02 Dental school experience<br />06:22 Imposter syndrome<br />08:02 Curriculum vitae<br />09:09 Covering emails<br />11:01 Do the research<br />11:30 Portfolios<br />14:14 Having the right attitude<br />19:37 How to make your portfolio<br />20:45 Photography in dentistry<br />23:52 Photography tips and tricks<br />26:30 Resources for photography<br />27:56 Advice to new graduates<br />31:22 Just-in-time learning<br />32:08 Outro