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How to Play Ghosts in the Graveyard
You know the saying practice makes progress? That is especially true in the math classroom because students need intentional math practice on a regular basis. So why not make it fun by turning it into a game? In today’s episode we are joined by Asia Hines who is going to give us the rundown on how to play Ghosts in the Graveyard. Let’s get started.LinksMore tips on playing Ghosts in the GraveyardAsia's Ghosts in the Graveyard templatesFollow Asia on InstagramFollow Johanna on Instagram<br/>Mentioned in this episode:There's a TPT Bonus Sale happening!We’re here to give you an extra boost for this back-to-school season with a bonus sale on Teachers Pay Teachers. Coming up on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 29th & 30th, you can save up to 25% on resources sitewide. This is the perfect to try the name tent and A to Z Get to Know Me activity from episode 67. Or my mild, medium, and spicy practice and active notes from episodes 68 and 70. Whichever resources you choose, make sure to use code BTSBONUS23 at checkout to get the complete 25% off your purchase. Head here to pick out your favorite resources:Click here to shop the TPT Bonus Sale!