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How To Resolve Conflict In 7 Steps
RATE, REVIEW, & FOLLOW!<br/>Have conflict in your relationship? Welcome to the club. Conflicts are inevitable, how you handle them is optional. In this new episode, I review 7 steps to start taking for better conflict resolution in your marriage. <br/><br/>🔥To learn how healthy your relationship is take my FREE Marriage Audit Quiz here.<br/>🔥To access my FREE PDF on today's episode go here.<br/><br/>To improve your communication for more love and less fights, DOWNLOAD my Keep the Glow (KtG) app today!Download in the App Store hereDownload in the Google Play Store here<br/><br/>To gain access to my best resources plus live support from me each week to help you rebuild your marriage, JOIN my Marriage Boot Camp here!FOLLOW me on social for FREE daily tips!<br/>Facebook<br/>Instagram<br/>YouTube<br/>TikTok