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Ian Kellett
Ian Kellett from IK Sport Classic joins us in this episode of the Backseat Driver podcast. Ian shares his fascinating journey from being a young lad passionate about cars to becoming a racing driver and a devoted lover of classic cars. Jane points out that IK Sport Classic has become one of the best destinations for classic car enthusiasts, offering a showroom, workshop, café, and various shops. Ian talks about his background in modern car servicing and how his love for old cars led him to establish IK Sport Classic. He shares the story of starting with a small customer base and premises, which eventually expanded to the unique location they have today. The episode highlights the unique museum-like experience of visiting the showroom, where classic cars are for sale and displayed as a collection. The conversation touches on the growing interest in classic cars during the pandemic, as more people redirected their disposable income towards acquiring these timeless vehicles.Mentioned in this episode:Tim Nash Lombard Ralley Festival