Ideatum, an exciting addition to our curriculum.
S2:E6 - Welcome back to Whitgift Conversations. This is the podcast where we talk to staff, parents and pupils about topics that are relevant to you. In this episode we’re speaking to Mr Oz Bhatti, he’s the Head of Ideatum in school. Now you might be wondering what that is, I know I was, so it’s a critical thinking and personal development subject. And if you’re still wondering what that means then stick with me because in this episode I ask Oz to explain what this is, how it actually looks in everyday school life, what that means for the boys there and also how to include this wonderful word, Ideatum, into life at home.There’s a good chance you’ll learn something on this episode, I know I did, so join me as we step into a conversation with the Head of Ideatum, it’s Oz Bhatti.Whitgift School onlineWebsite: Global: @WhitgiftSchool1Facebook: WhitgiftSchoolLinkedIn: whitgift-school