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Is social media dead with Siobhan Mulvahil
Is social media dying?<br/> <br/>"Diversity in business is always something I teach people is you've got to have multiple marketing streams."<br/><br/>Siobhan Mulvahil is the owner and founder of Marketing with Zest. She has over 20 years of freelance marketing consulting experience. Having worked in a range of small businesses, from IT right through to Offshore Energy, she is an expert in marketing that can adapt to the needs of any organisation. She has a BA in Media, Graduate Certificate in Business, Certificate in Digital Marketing and is a Certified Marketer with the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI).<br/><br/>In this episode, you will learn the following:<br/><br/>1. The changing landscape of social media, and how businesses need to adapt<br/>2. The importance of market research and understanding your audience<br/>3. The importance of having multiple marketing streams<br/><br/>Resources:withzest.com.auInstagram: @withzest_au<br/>LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/si....obhan-mulvahil-with- with me: Instagram @bec_chappell<br/>LinkedIn – Bec Chappell <br/><br/>This podcast has been produced and edited by Snappystreet Creative