Isaiah 40-42, Psalm 149
Isaiah 40 - 1:07 . Isaiah 41 - 8:04 . Isaiah 42 - 14:54 . Psalm 149 - 20:16 . You’ll recall in our last episode that Hezekiah flaunted his wealth to Babylonian messengers, and although the exile will not take place for another 80-100 years, it is at this point in time that Isaiah begins predicting the future exile of Israel with great clarity. Even so, today’s reading begins with a proclamation of comfort for those who trust in the Lord, He who sits enthroned above the circle of the earth. There is no other god from any other nation who compares with the God of Israel. He not only has strength and power to do as he pleases, but he also gives strength to the faint and to the powerless. Israel need not fear, for God is with them and will hold on to them with his righteous right hand.:::Christian Standard Bible translation.All music written and produced by John Burgess Ross.Co-produced by the Christian Standard