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Juicy Ass! It's unfiltered, baby! Flying Monkey's Brewery
Get ready to dive into a world of hoppy goodness with Raquel Richards as she takes you on a wild ride through the compelling world of craft beer. In this episode, she's got her hands on one of her absolute favorites: Juicy Ass from Flying Monkeys Brewery.Prepare your taste buds for an explosion of flavour as this award-winning American IPA rocks your senses with its bright, fruity notes and a delightful hint of dank hoppy bitterness. But that's not all – Juicy Ass is not your average brew. It's unfiltered, baby! That means you're in for a treat with its unique combination of fresh verdant resins and sticky malts, creating a soft carbonation that'll make your taste buds dance with joy.Flying Monkeys Brewery is known for its creativity and passion, and Juicy Ass IPA is a testament to their busy minds and happy hands. Join Raquel as she takes you on a juicy adventure through this incredible brew. Get ready to savour every sip, because this podcast episode will have you craving a pint of Juicy Ass in no time.Cheers!