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Kicking It Up a Notch: Building a Karate Empire with Matthew Brenner
Get ready for a dynamic conversation in Episode 7 of Millennial Outliers, where hosts Justin Deal and Tyler Ardron sit down with Matthew Brenner, the powerhouse behind Action Karate's multiple studios and a thriving consultancy focused on transforming karate businesses across the country. Strap in as we delve deep into Matthew's incredible journey from martial arts enthusiast to successful entrepreneur.Matthew Brenner candidly discusses the highs and lows of his unique path, including the discipline and focus he acquired from karate itself and how he translated those qualities into a profitable business model. He'll walk us through his pivot from solely teaching karate to franchising studios and launching a consultancy, sharing the lessons learned along the way. It's a tale that captures the essence of tenacity, strategic vision, and a commitment to community and personal growth."Kicking It Up a Notch: Building a Karate Empire with Matthew Brenner" is more than just a success story; it's a masterclass in optimizing processes and adopting a winning mindset. Whether you're a veteran entrepreneur, an aspiring business owner, or just someone fascinated by the intersection of passion and profit, this episode is a knockout. Listen in as Justin and Tyler uncover the actionable steps and philosophical insights that have made Matthew Brenner a true outlier in both the karate and business worlds.----Thanks for listening!
Also available on YouTube (with video!)
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------How to reach us
Tyler Ardron – Managing Partner of his Insurance Brokerage Risk Reduction Plus Group
Follow Tyler on IG @eardron. Learn more about Risk Reduction Plus Group at www.riskreductionplus.com
Justin Deal – VP of Pay Day Employer Solutions
Follow Justin on IG @jdeal6972. Learn more about Pay Day Employer Solutions at www.paydayes.com
Matthew Brenner - Founder & CEO, Double Your Dojo
Follow Matthew on IG @blackbeltbrenner1Learn more about Double Your Dojo by emailing Matthew at Matthewbrenner@actionagainstbullying.com, or Text 856-878-2020