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Kristin Smart: Arrests Made After Nearly 25 Years!
Kristin Smart was a 19 year old college student who went missing at the end of her freshman year in 1996. After being out at a party on her own, and too intoxicated to return to her dorm on her own, partygoers let her leave the party in the arms of another student, Paul, who had offered to bring her back to her room. She was never seen again. Years later, with new leads, police were able to continue their investigation and make arrests in connection with Smart’s case.
Know Something about this case or Paul? Contact: San Luis Obispo Sheriff’s Department: +1 (805) 781-4540
My Elizabeth Smart episode (unrelated to Kristin Smart)
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General case suggestion form: https://bit.ly/32kwPly
Form for people directly related/ close to the victim: https://bit.ly/3KqMZLj
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/an4stY9BCN
For Business Inquiries - kendall@INFAgency.com