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Lambert Eaton Syndrome
This week we will discuss Lambert Eaton Syndrome with Latasha Densie DeRamus. Tasha is 42yrs old, living in Tampa, Fl. with her a daughter Naomi, and a fur baby name Foxy who is 7. Besides Lambert-Eaton, Tasha also deals with Gastroparesis, non-intractable vomiting with nausea, is underweight due to inadequate caloric intake and acute bronchitis. Lambert-Eaton syndrome, also known as Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, is a condition in which the immune system attacks the neuromuscular junctions — the areas where your nerves and muscles connect. Normally, your nerve cells pass signals along to your muscle cells. These signals help your muscles move. Because Lambert-Eaton syndrome affects the way your nerves and muscles communicate, making it difficult to move your muscles as you normally would. (credits Johns Hopkins https://bit.ly/3TONh2J)