LONGANIMITY: The Patient Disposition To Be HUNTED S21e15 2tim3:12

0 Views· 09/17/23
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Learn a new word with me today: LONGANIMITY. It is the disposition to bear injuries patiently. Paul charges Timothy to follow my teaching. He'll get to the point that it is founded on the very breath of God. (come back tomorrow for that)follow me in my persecutions. This means to be chased after; pursued; to be HUNTED. It is hunting season and YOU are on the menu young Christian. And don't be surprised, it is going to get worse.follow me in my patience. Towards what? Towards me being HUNTED. Follow after me as I am HUNTED for following Christ. Have the patient disposition to being persecuted. Continue in longanimity. Stay here. RESIDE in the disposition towards being hunted. To live a Christian life is to have the patient disposition towards being HUNTED.Bewithme.us COME BACK TOMORROW for some keys to residing in the hunting.

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