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Maggie + Nicole: A team with 15 years of Therapy Dog stories.
Volunteering for over 15 years with her dog Maggie has CPDT-KA Nicole Ellis brimming with Therapy Dog stories to share.In this 50th episode of Therapy Dog Talk, I spoke with Nicole Ellis, Certified Professional Dog Trainer and Los Angeles based celebrity dog trainer, who had many Therapy Dog stories to share about her experiences volunteering with her dog Maggie. We also discussed how this work fits into her goal of helping others to do more with their dogs and how she helps her clients to knwo if Therapy Dog work is a good fit for them.If you're ready to learn more about Nicole and Maggie's many experiences as a volunteer Therapy Dog team, let's dive in:In this episode, we discuss …What inspired Nicole to start volunteering with her dog.How she decided which organizations were a good fit.Why she does different activities with Maggie than with her other dog, Rossi.Give it a listen and let me know which part you found the most helpful, then follow their journey at @tailswithnicole and @maggieandrossi.•Interested in getting started as a Therapy Dog but don’t know where to begin? Check out my new guide at freeguide.therapydogtalk.com.