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Making Connections One Joke at a Time with Mike Geeter
We are SO excited to bring you this week's episode! Comedian Mike Geeter is an Ivy League dropout and community college graduate from Pontiac, MI, who brings a pointed look at life, family, and relationships that few others can…or should. Mike has headlined some of the finest comedy venues in the country and has worked with such outstanding comedians as Kevin Hart, Hannibal Burress, Natasha Leggero, Jim Norton, and Rickey Smiley, to name a few. Mike’s first full-length comedy CD “The Charm Offensive” is available on all digital platforms.Angela had so much fun chatting with Mike about his path into the comedy world, what it was like to work with Kevin Hart, and more! Listen now on Apple, Spotify, and Amazon.Website: www.michaelgeeter.com<br />Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MikeGeeterComedy<br />Instagram: OhMikeGeeter<br />TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mikegeeter?_t=8X6lVPmOKIY&_r=1