Making Kings

0 Views· 07/23/23
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"Making Kings," a reflection based on 1 Samuel 8:1, 4-18<br/><br/>Why did Israel want a king? What consequences did that bring? Do we have kings now? What does it mean to make something a king? Does referring to God as a king resonate for you? What other names are there for God?<br/><br/>Now it was that when Samuel was old that he made his sons judges over Israel. <br/>Then all the elders of Israel gathered themselves together and came to Samuel at Ramah. They said to him, "Look here! You—you are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways; now then, set up for us a ruler to judge us, like all the heathen nations." But the thing was evil in Samuel's sight when they said, "Give us a ruler to judge us." Then Samuel prayed to the HOLY ONE OF OLD.<br/>And the HOLY ONE said to Samuel, "Hearken to the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for it is not you they have rejected, but it is me they have rejected from ruling over them. Like everything else they have done to me, from the day I brought them up out of Egypt to this very day, forsaking me and serving other gods; they are doing the same to you.<br/>Now then, hearken to their voice; but—you shall testify against them, and show them the judgment of the ruler who shall rule over them."<br/>So Samuel relayed all the words of the HOLY ONE to the people who were asking him for a ruler. Samuel said, "This will be the judgment of the ruler who will rule over you all: your sons he will take and set them aside for himself in his chariots and in his cavalry, and to run before his chariots. And he will set aside for himself commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and some to plow his plowing and to reap his reaping, and to make his furnishings of war and the furnishings of his chariots. Your daughters he will take to be apothecaries and cooks and bakers. He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive orchards; he will take and give to those who serve him. One-tenth of your grain and of your vineyards he will take and give to his eunuchs and those he enslaves. Your male slaves and your female slaves, and the best of your cattle and donkeys, he will take and put them to his work. Your flocks he will tithe . . . and you all, you shall be his slaves. And you all will cry out on that day in the face of your sovereign, whom you have chosen for yourselves; and GOD WHOSE NAME IS HOLY will not answer you all on that day"Thanks for listening! Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Medium, Twitter, or Tik Tok. Questions? Write us at

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