Mark Call – ‘Fall Feasts begin’ teachings from Shabbat Shalom Mesa
The time of the Fall Feasts means that the “regular Torah portions” end up getting shuffled a bit, especially given the “calendar variants” many of us see. But as the Torah cycle begins to wrap up, parsha Vayelekh (Deuteronomy chapter 31) is one of the final few, but there are also a number of readings that deserve attention as well at this special time. Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for a look at the first of those. The Erev Shabbat reading includes Deuteronomy 31 itself, and helps to put some of the other aspects of Yom Teruah, the first of His Fall ‘Moedim’ or Appointed Times, into perspective: This weekend marks the day of Trumpets, or shouting, known in Hebrew as Yom Teruah, which is unique among the moedim of YHVH because it is the only one associated with the new moon. It’s even been referred to for that reason as the one which, until it arrives, “no one knows the hour or the day.” It has always been true, even if the ‘whore church’ would try to claim otherwise, that observing His Appointed Times, as we are commanded, brings blessings. But, ‘in such a time as this,’ there’s more reason than ever. Especially when we come to understand what Paul was REALLY saying in Colossians 2! <br /> “His Moedim: Shadow Pictures and What to Look for Now” The combined two-part teaching is here: