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Matt Haack | WUW 426
Matt was born in Phoenix AZ but grew up and graduated an Iowa boy, spending his prep years at Dowling Catholic High School. Kluver competed in travel sports as kids against Matt, who happens to be one of Jon Wiz's best friends from Dowling. Kluver and Matt would later play in Shrine Bowl together before heading off to college. Matt was a talented athlete with some interest as a WR but happened into a boom of Punting interest his junior year. This odd skill landed him a scholarship at Arizona State University where he would go on to start for 3 years and play next to college great Zane Gonzalez. Matt was picked up as a free agent after graduating and has now spent 6 seasons in the NFL with 4 teams. We discuss his wild rise to the League, the ins and outs of special teams in the NFL, the contrast between organizations and a whole lot more!<br /><br />If you love the show and want to show support, tell your friends! And, check out our exclusive content at Patreon.com/washedupwalkons where you can find extra podcast episodes, exclusive merchandise, Merch discounts with every tier, private Walkon discord channel access, and more!<br /><br />Find us on social media @washedupwalkons<br /><br />Visit TheWashedUpWalkons.com for all of our episodes, merchandise, and more!