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Melody Wright: Housing Market 'Hurricane' Approaching
In this episode, we discuss the state of the housing market: home affordability, rent prices, vacancies and when to buy property. -- Melody Wright is a writer, strategist, and technologist with nearly 25-years of experience in the banking and financial services industry. She was recently named as one of Mortgage Women Magazine's Women of Technology, and is a contributing writer to multiple publications. Melody began her mortgage career at GMAC ResCap (RFC) in 2006 and helped manage the historic ResCap bankruptcy. She started her own strategy and technology company, Huringa, which assists the investor and industry community navigating the macroeconomic landscape. Follow Melody at https://x.com/m3_melody -- Promotional Links: Bitcoin Amsterdam is Oct 12-13 & Bitcoin Nashville is July 25-27, 2024: Get 10% off your passes using the code HODL at https://b.tc/conference Fold is the best Bitcoin rewards debit card and shopping app in the world. Get 10,000 satoshis when you sign up and spend $20 on the card: https://www.foldapp.com/natalie Coinkite is your go-to tech company for top-notch Bitcoin custody solutions, including the cold card wallet. Get 5% off using my link: https://store.coinkite.com/promo/COIN... CrowdHealth offers the Bitcoin community alternative to health insurance. I spent $100 a month on my health care. Sign up at https://www.joincrowdhealth.com/natalie The Orange Pill App is building the social layer for Bitcoin: http://signup.theorangepillapp.com/op.... If you’re looking for the highest-quality sustainable pork, steak and seafood products, look no further than Campo Grande. For $20 off use code HODL: https://eatcampogrande.com/HODL -- This podcast is for educational purposes and should not be construed as official i