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Mercedes-Benz Executive Manager for AI Alex Dogariu
Mercedes-Benz is a juggernaut in the automobile industry and in recent times, it has been deliberate in advancing the use of AI throughout the organization. Today, we welcome to the show the Executive Manager for AI at Mercedes-Benz, Alex Dogariu. Alex explains his role at the company, he tells us how realistic chatbots need to be, how he and his team measure the accuracy of their AI programs, and why people should be given more access to AI and time to play around with it. Tune in for a breakdown of Alex's principles for the responsible use of AI. Key Points From This Episode:A warm welcome to the Executive Manager for AI at Mercedes-Benz, Alex Dogariu.Alex’s professional background and how he ended up at Mercedes-Benz.When Mercedes-Benz decided that it needed a team dedicated to AI.An example of the output of descriptive analytics as a result of machine learning at Mercedes.Alex explains his role as Executive Manager for AI. How realistic chatbots need to be, according to Alex. The way he measures the accuracy of his AI programs. How Mercedes-Benz assigns AI teams to specific departments within the organization. Why it’s important to give people access to AI technology and allow them to play with it. Using vendors versus doing everything in-house. Alex gives us a brief breakdown of his principles for the responsible use of AI.What he was trying to express and accomplish with his TEDx talk. Tweetables:“[Chatbots] are useful helpers, they’re not replacing humans.” — Alex Dogariu [09:38]“This [AI] technology is so new that we really just have to give people access to it and let them play with it.” — Alex Dogariu [15:50]“I want to make people aware that AI has not only benefits but also downsides, and we should account for those. And also, that we use AI in a responsible way and manner.” — Alex Dogariu [25:12]“It’s always a balancing act. It’s the same with certification of AI models — you don’t want to stifle innovation with legislation and laws and compliance rules but, to a certain extent, it’s necessary, it makes sense.” — Alex Dogariu [26:14]“To all the AI enthusiasts out there, keep going, and let’s make it a better world with this new technology.” — Alex Dogariu [27:00]Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:Alex Dogariu on LinkedInMercedes-Benz‘Principles for responsible use of AI | Alex Dogariu | TEDxWHU’How AI HappensSama