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Mini Episode: "You are where you are; what are you gonna do about it?" - With Nathan McGurl
Pineapple Founder and Director Juliette finds out how Nathan built his business, about his corporate career previous to that and they talk through their work together on the ‘Study Sessions’ podcast.
Nathan is the founder of The Study Buddy, a tool to help students manage their time, especially in the run up to exams. He’s also a self-confessed marketing geek and has a ton of knowledge in the digital and social marketing spaces.
Each episode, we’re giving you tips, tricks, ideas and inspiration – and we’ll reflect on a project with one of our clients or team – the background to it, it’s successes, challenges and more.
And we’re very lucky to be supported by...
· Liobites, who make incredible raw, freeze dried crisps (try the strawberry ones!)
· Stelar, a handwoven handbag company making bags sustainably in Bali
· House of Kalmar, a selfcare brand all about empowering you to reconnect with yourself
· Ice Cool Design, a super stylish eco-friendly wine cooler option
· And Audioboom, one of the leading podcast publishers who help you get your podcast to Apple, Spotify and the rest – we use them for tons of our content distribution so we’re big fans