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Mitch Boehm (AMA Magazine)
Mitch Boehm is a 35+ years of motorcycle-industry and moto-journalist veteran, including staff positions at Motorcyclist and Cycle World as well as a 15-year stint as editor-in-chief at Motorcyclist magazine from 1993 to 2008, and is currently the editor-in-chief of American Motorcyclist Magazine. In this interview recorded at AMA Vintage Days, Mitch recounts some tales from his career and talks about the benefits of AMA, the American Motorcyclist Association. Episode Links:Instagram: @AMARidingWebsite: AmericanMotorcyclist.comWebsite: VintageMotorcycleDays.com Triumph News: New Tiger 900 Aragón Edition MotorcyclesFree MSF eCourse: TriumphRider.comEvents Schedule: TriumphOnTour.comFor The Ride theme song by Sam PaceFor The Ride podcast produced by Hisonni Johnson