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Mitchell Tucker - Bringing Out The Peaceful Savage: EP 045
Mitchell's dream was to become a cop. He accomplished that at 19 years old and was the youngest Deputy Sheriff in the agency. Several years later he worked his way up and became the youngest Detective in the agency. When offered a chance to chase his dream and given a scary ultimatum by an investor he quit his career and jumped with two feet into the world of entrepreneurship. He has since created an innovative alarm system that he holds several patents on, he owns a private security guard firm N-Tact Security and has authored an Amazon best seller, "Mentally Tough in a Weak Society."👤Connect with Mitchell Tucker✅ Website: https://www.mitchellrtucker.com/ ✅ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellrtucker/ ✅ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/mitchellrtucker
This amazing guest was booked with PodMatch, a top-quality podcast matching service: https://www.podmatch.com #PodMatch @PodPros
Welcome to The Big Ticket Life where you'll be inspired by driven leaders doing life and business on their terms. They break the rules, they see the opportunities. They've had struggles, they've had highs and lows, yet they've always remained focused on the goal: a life and business led by themselves on their terms. They're unapologetically focused on their success and the success of those around them. We celebrate success around here because we live The Big Ticket Life.
🦅The Big Ticket Life:The Big Ticket Method is a way of life and business built around the most fulfilling, exciting, and delivered results you give to your customers when they pay you. It’s about finally running your business 100% on your terms, your way with no apologies to anyone - ever.Are You a Main Street Business Owner Frustrated With Your Income & Life?Discover THE Pathway for Life & Business on Your Terms with The Big Ticket Method®
👤 Connect with Jeff and Live The Big Ticket Life:✅ https://thebigticketlife.com ✅ https://www.facebook.com/jeffgiagnocavo ✅ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj8loYptC0r0EQyMJfnJQGQ ✅ https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffgiagnocavo
🇺🇸 https://signer57.com
We are proud to be a part of Signer 57 Clothing, which honors the sacrifices made by the 56 signers of The Declaration of Independence. 56 Men from 13 Colonies fought for 11 Years to secure our Constitution. All of them were ruined by the British Crown - killed, jailed, sentenced, lands taken, riches stolen, families impoverished and imprisoned. They all sacrificed everything for the Birth of Our American Dream. Pick up on their sacrifice, join the Signer 57 movement and honor the sacrifices they made.
The Big Ticket Life is produced by Chris Stone at Cast Ahead:http://ChrisStone.Contact
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