0 Views· 09/24/23
In Drama

MOD episodes have no shelf-life or expiration date.  Our focus is principled -  always happening now - so each episode reflects the fluidity and immediacy of the current events we share. <br/><br/>Sobriety is sanity from any compulsion.  Emotional sobriety is sane living. <br/><br/>To think all we are and all that is happening is only what we think is to think thoughts are reality and truth and always right. This is not sane.  <br/>Circumstances are consequences offering a textbook perspective on how well our thinking relates to the steady, unshakeable, ever-present nature of reality and truth. Conflicted thoughts cause inner conflict which is a natural guidance system, like pain, to draw attention to what is wrong. Our essence is the basis for mental stability.  Essence is essential and does not change nor can it be anywhere other than where, when, how, and THAT we are - now.  Ignoring this is to claim obsessive distractions dominate or obscure reality while witnessing our choice to obscure thinking. To think Reality and Truth can be fought is insane since they do not change.  Our experience bears the impact of our thinking - not reality or truth. Thoughts are not at fault for inner conflict, emotional turmoil, or mental anguish since we freely choose to think we are or can be condemned by them.  Mistaken thoughts cause misgivings. Pain is a built-in Geiger Counter measuring toxicity in our body's ecosystem reflected in echoing thoughts.  Denial acts like psychic anesthesia while numbness is evidence of pain. Ignoring is ignorance creating numbness to what is actually happening so overreactions seem our only option.  Misreading our body language creates functional illiteracy.  Thinking all or some things happening are not happening is insane once thought of as reality. Things are always happening as they happen.  Con-fusion is a possibility of thought not of a unified reality. <br/><br/>Obsessive thoughts are excuses denying responsibility.  Denial may offer seeming relief while growing pains cannot be ignored.  Temporarily induced relief is not real but delusional. Fantasy as reality is insane. Problems can seem impossibly out of control until they dissolve by facing them honestly. There are no lies, ego, or addiction in reality.  Such concepts only occupy imagined space in the narratives we tell to justify their existence.   <br/>It is impossible to let go of what does not exist just as it is impossible for an Absolute nature can let go of all that IT IS.  Lies are repulsive to nature and threaten human survival just as addiction and cancer claim control by killing their host. When enough is never enough words and reason have no point or purpose. Internal betrayal creates present traumatic stress. <br/><br/>Thinking we are thinking only what we think we are thinking is a mistake. Experiencing effects is the revelation of the thoughts we cause. Thinking we have nothing to do with insanity has us imagine thoughts happen to us having a life of their own distinct and separate from our experience and existence.  Feeling alone and out of place is feeling a thought with no basis in reality. Victim mentality is seductive to the sick idea that we are irresponsible for what we are doing with thoughts. Thinking we have any hope or chance of solving problems we claim to have nothing to do with creates hopelessness. <br/><br/>Be Cause is not an excuse but a call to express our natural functional capacity.   <br/><br/>We appreciate that you're listening and you are also welcome to attend our live discussion occurring all but the last Sunday of each month from 9 - 11 am + Pacific Standard Time. <br/><br/><br/><br/>

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