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Mommy Needs a Mental Health Day
How we doing Mamas? Let's count today as our check in because Felicia, Ashley & Melanie are talking about what they do to help explain their mental health needs to their children cause sometimes Mommy needs a mental health day. We have to be able to advocate for ourselves in a healthy way so our children know how to advocate for themselves in a healthy way! The ladies are going into speaking up, being true to who you are and teaching your children to do the same. So Mama's Den Village, do you need a mental health day? How are you teaching your children to honor their mental health? Let us know over at podcasts@blacklove.com OR you can Fill out our form. PLUS you can always submit a DM over at @themamasdenpodcast Make sure you connect with our MamasAshley - @watermeloneggrollsCodie - @codiecoFelicia - @felicialatourMelanie - @melaniefiona========Join us for the 2023 Black Love Summit! You’ve rocked with us from LA to Atlanta and beyond, and guess what? We’re coming back to ATL for our 6th anniversary!!<br /><br />365 days a year, we celebrate Black Love and joy via our socials, podcasts, and the BL+ app. Now, get ready to soak up the vibes in person – imagine a whole day of community, chats that’ll light up your brain, a dope #Blackowned marketplace, and some specially curated moments we have never done before!<br /><br />October 21st is your time to groove with Black Loooove! 🖤❤️ Jump over to BLACKLOVE.COM/SUMMIT now and grab your tickets.As always, our community is the cornerstone of our content and we continue to want to connect with you! Make sure you’re following us on Instagram @blacklove and you can send us an email at podcasts@blacklove.com.BLACK LOVE, INC. is the premier Black-owned & operated media company for celebrating 360 degrees of Black Love.<br /> Connect with us:@blacklove on Instagram@blacklove on Threads@blacklovedoc on Facebook@blacklovedoc on X