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Moots (Blasstal #1)
In episode 1 of Blasstal, Katie introduces Lucy to the vegetable at the heart of Hop-tu-Naa traditions of the Isle of Man.<br> <br> They explore the island's folklore with poet and folklore expert Annie Kissack, attend a Hop-tu-Naa celebration at Cregneash, carve their own moots, and finally head out Hop-tu-Naa-ing around Peel.<br> <br> Blasstal is a podcast series by Lecker about food and folklore on the Isle of Man, supported by Culture Vannin.<br> <br> Hosted and produced by Lucy Dearlove and Katie Callin<br> Podcast theme music by Mera Royle<br> Podcast artwork by Vicky Webb<br> With thanks to all contributors and others who made the series possible!<br> <br> Music credits:<br> <br> Manx Folk Dance Music - Guilley Hesheree (The Ploughboy)<br> Manx Folk Dance Music - Eunyssagh Vona<br> Manx Folk Dance Music - Hop-tu-Naa<br> <br> https://culturevannin.bandcamp.com/album/daunseyn-theayagh-vannin-manx-folk-dance-music <br> ‘Daunseyn Theayagh Vannin: Manx Folk Dance Music’<br> Manx trad.<br> Manx Folk Dance Society, 1976.<br> <br> Caarjyn Cooidjagh - Manannan Beg Ballad<br> Caarjyn Cooidjagh - Mannin veg veen<br> <br> With thanks to Annie Kissack<br> <br> Follow Lecker on Twitter and Instagram. Read more about Blasstal and see some behind the scenes photos at leckerpodcast.com<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>