Navigating Dog Stranger Danger (Dog Liaison LIVE Coaching Show)
In the Dog Liaison LIVE Coaching Show, Jenna pulls Rover guardians from across the world into a coaching call where they discuss together an issue they are facing with their dog. She is joined today’s by Pintxo’s guardian to discuss his fear towards strangers and desire to be protective of his space and guardians. His guardian was pulling a lot of information from different sources and started to feel overwhelmed by the amount of conflicting information floating around Google. Throughout their conversation, they will discuss: Finding and sourcing scientific research for dog trainingTrusting your judgment to read your dog in their recovery journey Importance of tracking data and interpreting the outcomes Keeping up motivation in your dog’s training Download your FREE Reactive Dog Case StudyWatch the “Most Complete Aggressive Dog Training Tutorial (using Positive Reinforcement)” Check out my website to learn more.Subscribe to my Dog Liaison Channel on Youtube And follow me on Instagram @dog_liaison